I've had very little success selling my work (mostly through lack of effort to be honest) but as ebay are having a listing free weekend I thought I'd list the bike:
I feel that the web is not the best place to sell sculpture as people really want to see up close and personal what they are buying, but this is free so worth a go. Most of my work is made purely for my own pleasure so selling is not the goal. Certainly having work seen on the internet is rewarding, I have lots of psoitive feedback on Deviantart and have found my work all over the place in online galleries, blogs, articles etc which is great. I guess the next step is to look into copyrighting.
Bringing the sunshine in
Fiona bought a bunch of sunflowers to brighten the room for her dad's
birthday celebration. The good news is that they have just lasted such a
long ti...
13 hours ago