Welcome to Impsandthings. At present I'm working towards marketing and selling my work. You can see a complete portfolio of my work by following the link below or buy work at MISI. My intention is to use this blog to write about some of my ideas, inspirations and techniques and document how I create some of my work.
A book for Narratives
I'm hoping that my artists' book, Compassion Scroll (see opening photo)
will be exhibited as part of the Narratives 2025 artist's book exhibition
in M...
Speaking In An Age of Fear
Since November 5, I have been in a place of rage, and fear, and disbelief,
that frequently leaves me paralyzed and immobile. I try to work on my
novel, I...
Even More Weapons
To add to the onslaught of signed Special Editions of The Devils, Goldsboro
Books have today announced their edition, which is this handsome limited,
Automata at Hastings Museum
Find a trail of six automata from the CMT collection across the ground
floor of the wonderful Hastings museum. The exhibits are made by Keith
Newstead, P...
Breaking the Silence
Over the past many months, I have watched the stories circulating the
internet about me with horror and dismay. I’ve stayed quiet until now, both
out of ...
Me at Yallfest!
Come see me at YALLFest, Saturday Nov 15-16 in Charleston SC. Here are my
events: FRIDAY NOV 15, 2024 2:30-3:30PM Charleston Public Library: John L.
Goblin Art Returns...
After a long break, the Goblin Art studio is finally reopening!
There will be a new emphasis on giant masks and giant puppets (think
parades and public s...
Happy New Year
I've been away from Myth & Moor for rather a long time now. There's just
been so much going on around here: hard grief after the loss of our beloved
Tilly ...
New song: Carrickfergus
In honour of St. Patrick’s Day, we have released a new song: Carrickfergus
(live). This is one of the many traditional melodies that we each grew up
Find Jen Elsewhere
This blog is no longer in use.
Please head over to my website or my Youtube channel instead.
Thank you,
Jen xx
photo credit: Nuraan Ackers
A basketful of treasure at Hibernation Time
HUGE SKIES full of light and dark and wintering and wondering crown the
granite tors of Dartmoor this November, as the mists creep in; and I return
First Ride of the Gyrostator
Hello Friends
Just completed the illustration of Vyctor's first explosive ride on the
Gyrostator he invents. To keep things away from prying eyes, he's loca...
The July 2016 issue of ImagineFX magazine [#136] features my five page
'Artist Insight' article about combining concept art and illustration
techniques. I...
Địa điểm chụp ảnh kỷ yếu tại hà nội
Hãy cùng chúng tớ tìm hiểu những địa điểm chụp ảnh kỷ yếu đẹp nhé
Chụp ảnh kỷ yếu dường như đã trở thành một hoạt động không thể thiếu đối
với các bạn trẻ...
Our bags are packed for the Pacific Northwest
The summer seems to be rushing by. I think it feels like that because we
haven’t really had any summer yet. I know, I know, some of you have been
having R...
The Month of Forgotten Projects
Its been bears all the way for the last few months as I worked towards a
show at the end of May. Some of the bears who still need homes are now on
the Ursa...
Beach !
We are setting up our exhibition tomorrow ,ready for opening on Tuesday.I
made more pebbles but couldn't decide what to do,In the end they will be
for sale...
ramping up here!
– ok, 2 posts in, urm, several months may not really rank as ramping up –
but i’m working at it!! have been really immersed in creating what i hope
will be...
Returning to the Eyrie
Welcome back, Gentle Readers! Sorry for the unconscionably long silence
(No posts since January? Really, Scott?). Work continues on A GATHERING
New Website, New Blog
I have a totally redone website where I will be posting all new blog
entries. You can follow my future adventures there.
Living and working in the green boskyness of Wiltshire doesn't demand
sartorial elegance; it encourages old cords and yesterday's shirt. So The
Suit ...
Woman Relief
This is a woman relief cast from a original sculpture of mine. I offer it
in my Etsy store. I enjoyed making her a lot. Hope you like her too. :-)
sweet baby name
Decide with your partner in coming up with the best baby name for your
sweet baby. It wouldn’t be nice to be always blamed when people ask who
chose that a...
Red and the Wolf
I promise to start posting new tutorials as soon as I am caught up on
commissions and the pile of figures sitting here waiting to be finished.
Until the...
Byte Magazine Covers
Ben brought home an old Byte magazine that someone had loaned use for the
Steampunklet (the cover article was on Logo, which she's getting into), and
that ...
Steampunk Cyberpunk Ray Guns
Nuevos Rayguns, el primero está construido sobre una base de pistola Nerf,
el segundo es un diseño completamente original y único puesto que las
piezas ...
One wizard and a Ghoul
Just thought I would pop in and say hello and show you a couple of pictures
This is a 24th scale Elven Wizard and a bit of a traveler. I am thinking of...
Matin Difficile
Je ne suis pas en avance ce matin mais j'en ai terminé avec la baguette
fraîche, beurrée et le café fumant.
Ca a été difficile de se quitter mais ...
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