Trolls and things

My two latest creations;

The Deep Wood Tribe

I've spent the last 3 months creating a new tribe of Treesprites ready to take to Lilith of Avalon this week. The last of the first group sold today.

throwing bottles into the sea

Over the last year or so I've made an effort to get my work 'out there'. I contributed work at an open house automata exhibition which was fun and plenty of friends came plus lots of nice comments from other visitors.  Work at Lilith of Avalon is selling well and I'm just making a second batch of treecreatures.
Now I'm submitting work to the Grant Bradley Gallery in Bedminster. They are having an open submission exhibition and I've entered the 3 pieces below. No guarantee of acceptance but fingers crossed. It's a lovely gallery, often showing cool and unusal work and although very stylish isn't snooty or highbrow.
Will find out the results on May 21st.